Grow Your Dealership’s Reach with Custom Social Media Marketing

by | May 5, 2021 | Merchandising, New Car, Remarketing, Support, Used Car | 0 comments

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past year, it’s how to adapt. Although the automotive industry has been around for over a century, much of the industry’s sales techniques have been based on traditional, face-to-face methods, not incorporating much online interaction with the consumer. But since the inception of the COVID pandemic, dealers across the nation are beginning to use the full potential of social media marketing to help their dealerships find success in a changing environment.

Facebook Opportunities for Dealers

Car dealers know that advertising and managing content on Facebook can be both time-consuming and difficult. So, we’ve made it easy here at Dealerslink. Our social media tool helps dealers simplify their social media process by fully automating content creation and advertising. Dealerships that use Dealerslink have increased brand engagement, reaching ready-to-buy consumers, driving promotions and events, and ultimately building lifelong customers.

social media marketing

Facebook Content for Dealerships

One of the most crucial aspects of social media marketing is content creation, an aspect Dealerslink specializes in. Be it capturing video, taking photos, writing engaging social posts, or updating current inventory, we can turn any dealership’s Facebook page into a lead-generation machine. Simultaneously, dealers can stay up to date with their dealership’s performance from our custom-designed social dashboard, allowing them to track leads, engagement, and posting.

Facebook Marketplace for Dealerships

Facebook is more than simply a content channel for your dealership. The Facebook Marketplace has grown rapidly over the past years, especially within the field of used car sales. In fact, in the US alone, more than 20 million people click on used vehicle listings every month. Dealerslink helps dealers tap into this hotbed of demand, creating up-to-date, engaging listings for any car on the lot, then sending leads directly to dealers as soon as they are received.  Furthermore, marketplace listings and ads can be automated based on criteria set by the dealer, allowing full customization.

Facebook Ads for Dealerships

No social media strategy is complete without digital advertising. By using Facebook’s advertising platform, Dealerslink makes engaging your target customers simple. Our custom designed targeting system allows any dealership to reach its ideal customers based on location, interests, and behavior. Dealers can track their campaigns from a custom digital dashboard and watch as leads flow in from all over their local and regional area.

So, what is your dealership waiting for? Engage your customer base and sell more cars using our team of proven social media experts. Schedule a demo today or visit us online at

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