
A New Philosophy of Selling Used Vehicles

A New Philosophy of Selling Used Vehicles

There's an old adage in the used-car business that says, "Customers come to your lot to look for the cars they want; you're at the lot to sell the cars you want to sell." That all works out great if those potentially conflicting motives intersect at the perfect...

Hurricanes Limit Available Used-Car Inventory

Hurricanes Limit Available Used-Car Inventory

Most Americans can't recall such a devastating one-two punch as what befell Texas and the Southeast when Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit within about a week of each other. Meteorologists say this is the first time in 166 years of weather records that two Category 4...

Why Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Cloud Computing

Why Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Cloud Computing

(This is the fourth in a series of articles on change in the used-car industry.) In previous installments in this series of articles, we addressed why dealers shouldn't fear technology, new ways of sourcing used inventory, or social media. Since this is a series about...

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Social Media

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Social Media

(This is the third in a series of articles on change in the used-car industry.) Previously, we wrote about why dealers shouldn't fear technology and new ways of sourcing used inventory. Another thing we've noticed while interacting with dealers across the country is...

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Vehicle Sourcing

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Vehicle Sourcing

(This is the second in a series of articles on change in the used-car industry.) In the first installment of this series, we wrote about why dealers shouldn't fear technology, and passed along tips for introducing new technology to employees. We referenced how...

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Technology

Dealers Shouldn’t Fear Technology

(This is the first in a series of articles on change in the used-car industry.) Do you know any dealers who still carry around a used-car and truck pricing guide in their pocket? "A 2009 Honda Accord Coupe? Yeah, I got that right here." (Flips through his guide.)...

Quantifying Your Success with Dealerslink

Quantifying Your Success with Dealerslink

Return on Investment – or ROI – is a familiar term in the business world. We at Dealerslink don't just say "take our word for it" when presenting our solutions that provide excellent ROI; we provide the numbers to back it up. Our solutions provide quantifiable results...