Your Finance Manager is going to love you

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Used Car | 0 comments

F&I managers have a demanding job that requires proper tools to negotiate with lenders, keep customers happy and protect dealership profit and liability.

Much of the success of a used-car department depends on the expertise of the F&I manager. Every deal needs to be profitable. The straightest line to higher gross is to use an F&I calculator that allows you to cut right to the chase by quickly and easily structuring clear and accurate car deals that meet your customers’ needs and maximize profit margins for your dealership.

One of the most used tools within Dealerslink is the FastBook F&I Calculator. The F&I Calculator makes finance and interest calculations simple by displaying everything you need to structure the deal in one place. Enter all the deal data from one screen. Run complex calculations with a minimum number of clicks and no screen toggling.

Need to work toward an exact monthly payment? Compare multiple retail deal scenarios to find the perfect vehicle and financing package for your customers. Revise any combination of financing values to hit your target, including cash price, interest rate, down payment, finance charge, and out-the-door price.

Need to find the right vehicle that fits your customers’ financing arrangement? The F&I tool also allows Desk Managers to find units in their inventory and out on the Dealerslink Marketplace that will fit a particular bank call. 

Other features include:– Integrated NADA, KBB, Black Book
– Inventory Search

Make each deal lucrative by gaining immediate insight into the profitability of a deal so you can make adjustments if the margin is out of your dealership’s acceptable range.

Take advantage of the industry’s most comprehensive Finance and Interest Calculator. The FastBook F&I calculator packs all the functionality of the most expensive DMS systems into a simple interface for a fraction of the cost.

For more info about Dealerslink or FastBook Pro, or to request a live demo contact us at (844) 340-2522.

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