Competitive Contract Reviews Save Dealers 25% – 50%

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Appraising, Dealerslink News, Inventory Management, Merchandising, New Car, Remarketing, Used Car, Vehicle Pricing, Wholesale | 0 comments

Dealerslink has proudly stood as an advocate for the dealership community since 2005. When the economy soured in 2008, Dealerslink was there for our members as an effective way to consolidate vendors, increase efficiency, cut operational costs, reduce recon expense, and eliminate wholesale losses.

In response to recent economic developments, we are launching the Competitive Inventory Software Contract Review. This is a free service with a Dealerslink representative who will review your current inventory management software solutions with you in detail and help identify opportunities to consolidate and reduce monthly software vendor costs dramatically. Many of our reviews have helped dealers save over 50% off their current inventory management software services.

Join the thousands of Dealerslink Members nationwide who have already reduced costs:

  • Spend 62% less on inventory management tools
  • Spend 83% less on auction lane fees and vehicle recon costs
  • Eliminate wholesale losses by cutting out the middleman

Simply put, we cut auction fees, software expense, and provide superior inventory tools. It’s gratifying to see us as the industry best after all these years of putting our head down and working to achieve that. We have simply developed the best inventory management tools with the best customer support team period. Said VP of Sales Travis Wise. Dealers are looking to run leaner, increase profits and not sacrifice capability. Dealerslink does that.

If you have questions about the Competitive Inventory Software Contract Review and how Dealerslink can increase profits for your dealership, please contact us at 844-340-2522.

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