Exclusive Access to Rental Fleet Inventory
Get first access to high-quality vehicles from Hertz Dealer Direct and Sixt Dealer Direct before they’re offered at ANY physical auction location.
The Most Affordable Used-Car Pricing Tool In The Industry
The average dealer now pays around $2,500 per month for their used-car booking and inventory-management tools. Dealerslink offers a superior platform with more accurate data with no long-term contracts or hidden costs. We work hard to earn your business every month.
Hertz Inventor
Dealerslink members now get first access to off-rent Hertz and Dollar Thrifty national inventory. Preview on-rent vehicles before they are available at auction.
Sixt Dealer Direct
Dealerslink allows dealers to access the Sixt’s premium inventory 24 hours a day 7 days a week online. Get first access to available off-rental vehicles nationwide.
Additional Features
Trim Packages
More luxury trim packages than any other carrier.
On Rent Inventory
Preview upcoming units still on-rent before they are offered for sale anywhere.
No Auction Fees Ever
Unlimited buy and sell transactions without auction fees.
Customer Service
Deal exclusively with your existing local Hertz and Sixt reps that you know and trust.
Grow your dealership
to the next level!
More features, more complete data sets, more inventory flexibility and costs, on average, 62% less than others like vAuto, DealerSocket or MaxDigital.
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Sims Honda Finds Next Best Thing to “Used-Car Factory”
Bobby Maynard, General Manager of Sims Honda and Northwest Honda explains how he uses Dealerslink’s Dealer-To-Dealer marketplace to locate clean, retail-ready used vehicles directly from other dealers saving his dealership thousands of dollars a month in auction fees.